Career Change- escalate your potential
Helping you set a clear career direction Coaching ServicesContact MeWhat will you do after Coronavirus?

- The experience of the coronavirus has already seen one of the most profound and collective shifts in careers since the Second World War.
- Are you in need of help and support of what you will do next?
- Are you questioning the work you will go back to and wonder ‘is this what I REALLY want to do?’
- Do you feel stuck in answering that question?
- Do you need to update your CV to be ready?
- How are you going to deal with changes to your earning potential, work, family and social life?
- Have you a strategy of what you will do next?
I can help with answering these questions and exploring different answers to these questions. I can act as an ‘objective’ sounding board for personal reflection rather than than typical answer of
“If I were you I would…”
Call Me Today (027) 455-5171
Career Planning
Planning gives you a focus and a sense of direction and purpose
- Career Change can help you figure out what you actually want to do with your career.
- Career Change can help you save time, effort, energy, and money seeking your future.
- Career Change has provided specialist career services to school students to professional executives.
- Career Change can provide a fresh approach to career direction.
In your present career or work, are you:
- Standing at a crossroads, trying to make a good career decision about what to do next?
- Feeling stale or in a rut, doubtful about how to move your career forward?
- Wondering how your teenage dreams never came to fruitioin or hodling onto an unfulfilled dream that keeps nagging away at you?
- Under threat of or have been made redundant and not sure what the future holds?
- Thinking your CV needs a revamp to get you an interview for your next job?
As a school student, how will you benefit from career advice and planning?
- It can help you work out which subjects to study at school
- Through career assessments it can help you clarify what career you want to pursue after leaving school
- It will help you understand how to make well-informed career decisions now and in the future
- It will help you understand what your interests are and how these relate to careers you may be thinking about.